Friday, September 25, 2009

Hope For My Officemates

Only by grace can we enter
Only by grace can we stand
Not by our human endeavor
But by the blood of the Lamb

Into Your presence You call us
Call us to come
Into Your presence You draw us
And now by Your grace we come
We come
Now by Your grace we come

Lord, if You mark our transgressions
Who would stand?
But thanks to Your grace
We are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb

Only by grace can we enter
And now by Your grace we come
We come
Now by Your grace we come

Dear officemates and close friends,

Alam ko na malabong mababasa nyo itong blog ko. However, I would still like to write to you this letter dito sa blog site ko.

Sana lang talaga! As In! I really hope and pray na you will also come and experience Jesus personally! Yes! Jesus! The ONLY WAY!!!! Jesus IS GRACE! To KNOW Him, ACCEPT Him! He LOVES YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!! He died at the CROSS FOR YOU AND FOR ME!!!

Only by accepting Jesus that you will have real life! Without Jesus, you have no life! Please please please my friends (i'm really tempted to write your individual names in this blog), please open your ears! open your eyes! open your HEARTS to Jesus! Wala nang ibang paraan! Guys! please open your bible! please read!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16.

There is no other way! Friends! Please understand that there IS NO OTHER WAY!!! JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY!!! Guys! I beg you! Open your bible! If you don't accept Jesus, you will go to HELL!!! HELL IS REAL!!! Open your bible!

Guys, many will go to hell. Many will not accept Jesus. Many will love Sin over Jesus.

"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed." -John 3:19-20

Guys, Jesus really loves you! Jesus is the light of the world!

Please guys accept Jesus in to your life!...

I love you guys... I want to see you in heaven. You will go to hell if you don't accept Jesus. There is no other way...



Saturday, September 05, 2009


I miss writing!!!!! I miss this blog! Haaaay......

How can i be able to EVERYTHING that happened to me since my last blog???


God is good.... He is ultimate...


ill try to write again soon