It was Friday night at the birthday party of my officemate(s) when I saw Wesley, a good friend of mine that I did not expect to be there. It was really nice to find him there. I got the opportunity to share to him my dream pet project. Sobrang ok talaga, I got lot of useful insights on how to go about my project. As we discuss the details, I got more and more excited because it’s starting to take shape.
As we were heading home, he pop a question that I would normally would react indifferently: -“musta quiet time mo?”. Whoa! What a question to ask after getting excited about my pet project! I should have known that that question coming (after knowing Wes for quite some time); yet it caught me little off guard. Normally, I would have answered that question with a generic answer ‘ok lang’. But not this time; I knew that that kind of an answer would somehow demean my friend Wesley. He is a friend that is genuinely concern.
He reminded me that my relationship with God should always be the top priority, always. No matter how busy I am with ‘important’ things, I should make time for it. He reminded me that being ‘successful’ is not the end goal of life. Life here is just a preparation for the next…
Desiring a good life here is definitely is not bad. In fact, thriving for a good life is good for everyone. It’s just that it should not be the main purpose of life. Yes, it’s easier said than done. I just hope that I would continually learn how to set my priorities straight.