Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Updating my blog

I would like sana to make my blog a photo blog however; I am unable to create a photo blog if I have no photo; and I have no photo because I have no digital cam; and I have no digital cam because I have no money…

Well, not exactly, I have some money but it seems that whenever I have enough to buy a point and shoot digital cam, something comes up. I need to spend my money to a ‘more important’ things… like my mountain bike. =)

Ok, I’m finish with my mountain bike, now I am ready to buy a digital cam… well, I guess not. I’m really considering spending my money on ‘more important’ things (again). This time it’s my teeth… I would like to have my teeth fix. I’m not sure how much it will cost me but I guess it will eat up my digital cam budget.

What now?

I guess I may have to settle to post here on my blog without pictures… My blog without pictures is much less interesting. I will be force to express myself in a more profound way. I like reading well written blogs. I just hope that mine will also be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah! no excuses, no fear. just do it. wild at heart diba?

6:15 PM  
Blogger SabreJoey said...

haha!!! anong wild at heart? loko ka mignac ha!

9:25 PM  

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