A Plea For Unity
(warning: this post may contain some very serious stuff… there is a possibility of an emotional or irrational content)
Actually I’m having second thoughts of posting this reflection because whenever I think of it (or when I discuss it with my mom or some selected friends), it scares me a lot. Really.
What I’m talking about is our fragile Philippine government. Oh common joey, you get emotional and scared when you talk about the government? Unfortunately, yes.
I don’t know where to start... but I guess economy would be good. I’ll not remind you anymore how poor our economy is; I’ll also not remind you how many millions of people that do not have jobs. I’ll not remind you that majority those who have jobs have very low salary to be able to live self sustaining. I’ll not remind you that the cost of living is getting higher and higher while the wages stays the same. I’ll not remind you of the faces you see on the streets, whenever you go or came from school or work. Faces that stare at your window begging for anything you can give them. Faces that does not even know where will they get their next meal.
And then there is politics. Yes, politics and politicians. How filthy those words are… They say, when you enter politics, you should get ready to get dirty… How true. I think politics exist in different kinds of organization, but for the purpose of this post, I would like to limit it to the politics we have in our government.
3rd most corrupt country in the world. Enough said.
…I’m not sure if I should continue… I feel sick just thinking about it. But in order for us to change, we need to face the problem… the truth. What is the truth? Are the news you watch on the evening news is the truth? Are the hundreds exposé made by “credible” personalities is the truth? I don’t know. Sometimes I just don’t know.
I like president Fidel Ramos. My impression of him, -is a leader that is not only very intelligent but also discerning. With his great leadership skills, sometimes I wish he is still the president today.
Few days ago, I was with friends inside the owner jeep that I’m driving. We just came from eating dinner at Market Market. At one point, we were talking about politics. During the course of our discussion, I mentioned that I look up to president Ramos as being a great leader. Anyway, one of my friends reminded me about the controversy president Ramos was involved in -the centennial expo in pampanga. My friend is very much convince that he is guilty of acquiring illegal wealth from that project…
I just don’t know. Who is telling the truth? I just don’t know.
Earlier, I and my mom were having one of those discussions about politics (which led me to posting this reflection on this blog). We are telling each other how sad and hard president Gloria Macapagal is her position now. Like now, on the news where this bishop (forgot his name) is linking different key personalities in government being involved in jueteng. Like before, we (me and my mom) have different theories whether these allegations are true; or the bishop is only being use by some opposition to bring down the president… Again, I just don’t know.
What I DO know is that our country cannot take anymore of this beating. Our country is very ill. This is not a new idea, but is definitely worth repeating. Our country needs to be united.
Unity is the key for our country to survive its illness. We need to work in one direction so that we can move forward. When people are united, they put aside their personal comforts and interest to be able to achieve a common goal.
That’s easy. Everyone knows that unity is the answer. But the real question is HOW? How can our beloved third world corrupt nation be united? Is it possible? What will it take for us to be united?
And guys, that IS the question.
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