Thursday, April 02, 2009

Make No Mistake! WE ARE AT WAR!!!!

I don't know how to start this post. I feel like this would make no sense to some of you who might read this.. or worst, you might misinterpret this.

No apologies for this post.


There is an ENEMY!!! He is very cunning and deceiving! The casualties of his makings are all around us and we don't even realize that he is the one responsible for it!!! His works are so misleading that we blame others for it! He is using state-of-the-art technology and the latest and most effective deceiving tactics. He is a master manipulator. He manipulates others to do his dirty work for him. He is soo good that there are times that he can even use our closest allies against us!!!

Unfortunately many of us buy to this manipulation. He knows that an enemy that you can't see is an enemy you can't fight. -So that is what he is doing. He tries as hard as he can so that we don't notice him. He loves it when he is not noticed. He enjoy it even more when we blame "Others" on his works.. These "Others" are our friends, our families, our love ones, ourselves, and God... He is also known as The Father Of Lies*... no wonder...

His 3 main objective is to Kill, Steal, and Destroy** and he is good at it.

Question: What is the Enemy after???
Answer: Our Hearts!!!

He wants to kill our hearts! He does that in many different ways... I know You know it too. We have all experienced his attacks in many ways. In my life, he does it most of the time in a very subtle way. Many times we do not recognize it at first... Fortunately, we can recognize it by its fruits. Depression, Anger, Hatred, Lust, Envy, Laziness, Unforgiveness... Yes. Those are some of the fruits of his works.

Are you still with me? Did I catch your attention? Yes?

If you think that the Enemy is not actively involved in destroying your heart, DONT BE FOOLED!!! Remember! He is here to Kill, Steal, and Destroy!

Guys, lets FIGHT FOR IT! Fight for our hearts! WE ARE IN THE BATTLE FIELD! Guys, we are not yet home!!! Don't make this war zone your home!!! Again, dont be fooled! Sometimes he will make our lives so comfortable in order for us to forget that there is a war.

"Well, I'm doing good right now, everything is going great, everything is fine..."

Is it? How about those people around you? Your family, your friends, your friend's family... Broken relationships, sickness, death. No. Everything is not fine.

Lets wakeup guys.. We are not yet home.