Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Tagal ko na di nanakapag blog ha! Sori sori, I havnt I wasn't able to post lately..

I need to remind myself that the reason I am writing this blog is to tell a story what is happening in Joey's life, good or bad, important or mundane... Sana lang, by doing this, i can also share God's great story to others..


Dami! =D like the Team Building event at DFarm. Or the Small Group Sharing at Eidz' church... It's late, about 420pm already, i need to sleep.. sana maka post ako about these too events..


My latest toy that i have been using for a month now is this 12" notebook-tablet.. I'm (still) addicted to it... sana makapag post pa ako later..


Ah... books... Believe me or not, I can honestly now say that i love books! For the past few months i have been reading great books like, Whats So Amazing about Grace, Jesus I never knew, When God Writes Your Love Story, Wakening The Dead. Now, there are 2 books that I'm currently reading: Desiring God, and Wild At Heart. Sana talaga ill be able to post my "insights" about these great books... This wild at heart book, this is at least my 3rd time reading it (it might be my 4th or 5th), yup one of my fave books..


When people read blogs of other people, one of the most interesting topic that one look for is his or her love life... Yup! dapat we should all be full of love! =P nway, i definitely have lots of 'insights' on this one but it is very tricky to talk or write about it... i would like to consider myself as a student in the subject of love.. i pray that each day, i would be able to love more and more... i would like to spread love to everyone! =D

The Bad

Hmmmm... I think Bad is not the proper term.. cguro 'hard times' nalang... its also difficult to write or talk about hard times because of the tendency of covering up the situation,and or the tendency of over-analyzing or giving wrong conclusion on why i experience these hard times.. One thing i know, there will be more in the future.. im still in this war zone.. satan is the enemy! but greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world!!! sana ill be able to write more about the difficult times that i am experiencing kasi i know that all these are a part of my story...

Anyway, to anyone who might have stumbled on reading this blog. God bless you and may the love of God fill your heart! =D